A black person’s life in South Africa is like an animal inside an egg shell, for a black person in Africa to be successful or to overcome poverty he/she has to break out of an egg shell. Even though it’s hard to break out of an egg shell you have to be willing to fight hard, as in work hard because of our past its never simple to be on top of the range in Africa. You have to work hard for everything to become a better person. We have a person like Barrack Obama who is today the president of the United States of America. Who would have thought that one day a black person would be the president of a country which colonized his ancestral continent?
According to Jomo Kenyatta “When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the missionaries had the bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the bible”. The white monopolies made life hard for us due to apartheid. We don’t grow up like most white people in South Africa, as almost everything to be successful for them is very simple. A black person in South Africa has to learn hard before he/she can face the reality of life. We don’t grow up speaking English. One has to go to school in order to know English which is our first additional language in South Africa. Everything you do has to involve English in it. A white person grows up knowing English and speaking it fluently, which is a big advantage to them. A black child, “The fact that you aren’t where you want to be, should be enough motivation.”
Malcolm X once said, “Don’t be in such a hurry to condemn a person because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know”. White people were in a hurry to condemn us because they knew a lot of things back in the days than we did. They introduced a lot of things to us which most of us benefit from today. That’s when they had the opportunity to take our land which today belongs to whoever who lives in it. Sometimes I wonder how life would be if ever white people never colonized black people, would we be that wise like we are today? Is
there anything better we could have learned without the presence of white people in our land?
Even though life is hard to us, I sometimes think that white people played a huge role to us comparing life before whites in Africa. Life wouldn’t be much simple like it is today. We have learnt a lot from white people and we are benefitting from that.