Man Of Steel Or Rather Plastic

1102 page views | Thu, 11th of February, 2016

Our current generation of young men doesn't know what it means to be a man, a mature responsible leader, or someday a strong and engaged father.

Society is guiding our boys to remain boys as long as possible, extending childhood to their thirties. While at the same time forcing girls to become women long before they are ready. Instead of growing up, getting married and courageously raising up the next generation, millions of men are staying single, remaining emotionally and directionally dependent on their mothers while becoming addicted to entertainment, pornography, and video games. They want the privileges and rewards of manhood but only possess the responsibilities and moral requirements of boys. So when they become fathers themselves, they don't know what to do, and they feel extremely ill-equipped.

Young women, likewise, are entering life without a deep sense of value and worth. Rather than displaying feminine charm, modesty, and grace, many have become nearly(if not equally) as rude and unrestrained as the typical guy. They are told to act like and outdo men as much as possible. Flirty immodest, aggressive, they stay on a constant search for acceptance and attention. Things they haven't been freely given by the one man in their life whose love and approval they really want; and so millions of teenage girls auction their priceless virginity every year for a pizza ,a movie, and some on-the-spot flattery.

Each of them hopes that being held for a few minutes by a porn-addicted teenage boy with raging hormones will somehow fill the dark canyon of love that her disengaged father has left aching inside her heart, it never does. The consistently missing piece of the puzzle is fathers. This is just wrong, we need to turn things around, and do things different...

Ref: the resolution for men by Alex and Stephen Kendrick
Kendrick,A . 2011. The resolution for men. B & H Publishing

Clifford Setshwane

Reel Rhetoric