
1226 page views | Thu, 24th of March, 2016

Broken black girl sitting by the side walk wondering why she exists. Finding escape only in the words that flowed out her head uncontrollably. Thinking thoughts of darkness, razor blades and pills.

"Take away this ugly skin, peel off my sin"

Oh black girl, why do you hate yourself so? You are the nectar of the earth. Your skin is gold.

"No one will love me. What man prays for such darkness to devour his life?"

Beautiful brown girl, your essence lies not in your complexion but in your spirit. There is one out there who yearns and prays to kiss that blackberry skin.

He writes poems about you and looks forward to kissing your scars. He thinks, no he knows, you're magical and sees your soul.

Oh beautiful Nubian Queen, he has watched you from the other side as he attempts to fathom how he will capture all that chocolate magic on any canvas. What pencil shall he use? Oh maybe he'll use chalk.

Vibrant Black Princess, your love is an artist. No, he does not use his words to ensnare you in any trap, he uses his artistry to love you. He uses his canvas to show you the beauty he sees.

African girl, he can't wait to run his fingers through your unkempt, magical, gravity defying locs.

Your skin absorbs the sun's rays and your waist is filled with rhythm. So stand up like that crown of hair atop your head and be black without apology. Dance in celebration of your immaculate beauty.

You are milk and honey. You are the earth's greatest creation. You are mother of humanity.

Be beautiful...
Be you...
Be black...

Now rise from the sidewalk and sway those hips

Reference: Photography from nubianplanet

Reel Rhetoric