Find me in a bar. Worn out like a neighbour's hand-me-down.
Find me clearing its shelves of the many bottles of sin;
falsely advertised and disguised in labels containing beautiful foreign names that incite the tongue.
Find me lamenting, and cursing at everything;
from the barman's seemingly ridiculous attire to the heads of the hunted that now adorn the walls,
in an attempt to emphasize on what it is to be an alpha man.
Approach me with the sole intent of asking me to pass you the bowl of peanuts that are now tainted by the dirty hands of many simpletons.
Ask me for it, so I can turn to you, so you can look into my eyes and hold my gaze.
Begin to sedate me with your words. We'll put on a show for each other.
We'll speak so fondly of eras that we never existed in, give personal insight into the lives of movie stars we've never met and decipher what that one musician really meant by that one lyric that moves us so.
We’ll even hurl quotes at each other; quotes from books we've never even read.
I’ll bear my soul to you and tell you all my problems, my thoughts, my hopes and my dreams.
You'll go on to tell me stories of your life; of your hatred for the real world and how you want nothing to do with it.
We'll then get up abruptly, and go about returning to it, because, what else is there?