Dear heart of stone

719 page views | Wed, 9th of March, 2016

This life has taught its lessons clear
And freed my heart from all shreds of doubt
I now walk with a heart, free of fear
For the sorrows of this feeble heart r broken out

The airy words from cherished hearts
That wound when they fall; they tear apart
The feeble heart of those who confide
In the comfort, love that never hides

Evil torment leave the child
Who only strives for the cheer of the mild
Bleeding heart be still; be strong!
Let go off the judgements for they r wrong

Let not futile words of hate deter
The valiance; the courage u hold in u
That the greatest one will always confer
On ur gentle heart that only seeks what's true

Hold on to the real essence in pain
Let not these difficulties derail
Nor linger in ur heart so faint
And mar the good u brought and make it fail!

Do not give in to the enemy's word
Toil on give love till you can give no more
Ur integrity's ur only aid; ur sword
Its not a world but a battlefield; u cannot ignore!

Reel Rhetoric