Heaven Send

1667 page views | Wed, 31st of August, 2016

You were lost and broke
Cried out to God and your cries were heard
I met you when your heart was broken and shattered in pieces
I put the pieces back together again

Your heart started beating again
You thought it was love but it wasn't
It was just your heart functioning again
Your eyes were teary

So your vision was blurry
You couldn't see properly
I wiped your tears
You thought what you saw was your ideal but it wasn't

You were just happy to see again
Your nights became peaceful again
You started having sweet dreams again
You thought it was because of my voice you heard before going to bed

But it wasn't
It was just you living again
After restoring all that was broken
You ran to another man’s arms

You thought you hurt me
But you didn't
I was glad to see you loving again
I knew my work here was done

Don't feel sad for me
Thank God for me
When you cried yourself to sleep
You asked God to pull you through that pain
He send me to do it


Reel Rhetoric