What ur solar screams
Is exactly what my spirit seeks
A series peak
Starstruck by it foreign beam
What a light to me
Jus what I'd like to be
A lighting beam
That's lightly seen
So bright and free
Each tym it enlightens me
Its such as sight to see.
Or a sight to seize
No blight to speak
Won't lie to me
Coz wat I'd like to see
Was kaleidoscoping spectrum screens
An seen synopsis of transparent scenes
In visual preferable of invisible faculties
There's more to what meets the eye it seems In these hamunptra streets
I reside between realities!!
Pulled 4rm side to side
Trough vital signs
We chat sum viral sounds
Wif nothing new under Sun
Unless we fuel a brighter One!
Thee enlightened One
On battle grounds...
They give me lip wif frightened tongues!
Facing the keeper of breath
Harbinger of death
Eclipsed by the darkness of seth
But overshined by a single spark of luminous left
Assuming uv kept
The fire burning in your furnes in chest
As gods favor the best an savor the rest then change u next! Yes
The saga never ends