She walks around with a smile on her face with so many untold stories and unspoken words. She believes in the energies of life and finds comfort and peace in nature and music.
Her mind is wild and her heart is pure. She feeds her mind with words that only the heart appreciates.
Her mind is yearning for peace and understanding, constantly screaming to be heard but can't find the voice that mankind understands.
Her heart is yearning for love. The love that is pure, patient and understanding. The love that lets the heart speak and energy connects.
The world looked at her with so much curiosity, eager to know her. They were intrigued butthe world that she knew was different from hers and cruel. As much as she wanted to fit in the normal world, trying to find who could understand parts of her, she couldn't.
So she kept safe in her own world that she has created for herself. It was a safe world. To be able to feel things deeply and see the world differently, it made others uncomfortable and she was misunderstood.